Qualified TVQA Teachers are current members of TVQA who are willing to share their talent and time in helping others learn the art of quilting. They are enthusiastic, confident, and flexible. They make all students feel welcome, realizing all students are not at the same level. They should be aware of the history of quilting. A working knowledge of fabric, color, design, patterns, and techniques for piecing, appliqué, and quilting basics are essential.

A Qualified TVQA Teacher sets her/his own fees and negotiates with the guild requesting services. As TVQA members, teachers are expected to price their services fairly and possibly offer TVQA member guilds an advantage over non-member guilds. When hired by TVQA member guilds, Qualified TVQA Teachers are paid mileage by the TVQA treasury. Additional expenses, such as meals and overnight accommodations, are either included in the teacher’s fees or covered separately by the guild.

Those interested in being a teacher or wish to update their teaching status, please complete the TVQA teacher form. If you have any questions about teaching, contact the TVQA vice president at tvqavicepresident@gmail.com.

TVQA Teacher Form

Click here for the TVQA Teacher Form

TVQA Mileage Reimbursement Form

TVQA teachers may request reimbursement for mileage for TVQA- and TVQA guild-related events that they participate in as a teacher. To request reimbursement for your mileage, please complete this form:

TVQA Mileage Reimbursement Form

TVQA Teachers

A current list of Qualified Teachers and the classes they offer follows:

Cheryl Hitchcock cheryl.hitchcock@mtsu.edu – (931) 808-2187
Comments: Expenses plus $25 per participant. Limit 20 participants. Schedule at least half a day.

Kathy Kuryla  – kuryla@comcast.net – (615) 390-9202

Pauline Lang lang57.pl@gmail.com – (802)238-9436
Comments: I am flexible on travel and prefer classes to be during the day with a maximum student capacity of 15 – 20 students.  If I do a trunk show, I like to follow up with a 6-hour workshop the next day.

Denni Greendgreen47@comcast.net – (615)480-4265

Christine Jehlechrisjehle@outlook.com – (585) 305-9660
Comments: I prefer to do classes during the day if it is further than 50 miles.  Class size is dependent on what I am teaching.  We could talk about that when you have chosen what you would like to do.  

Anne Marcellissamquiltdesigns@yahoo.com – (517) 750-4065 – samquiltdesigns.com
Comments: Lectures allow 55-60 minutes. No class size limit. Any location. 

Shawn McDillShawnsQuilts@gmail.com – (661) 706-7104
Comments: No class size limit for the Memory Quilt class.
Available on various days and times for classes.  Class size varies on experience of participants.  Class
length dependent upon project selected.

Rebecca Quanrevampedgirl@yahoo.com – (615) 506-3120 – https://www.youtube.com/@rebeccaquan1365
Comments: No class size limit for the Memory Quilt class.
No more than 10 people for the paper piecing class.
If the class is 2.5 hours away, I will need to drive up the night before and stay in a hotel. Supply list will be addressed when you decide to take a class. We can discuss hourly rate / lump sum fee individually with each quilt guild.

Kay Robertspkrthread@comcast.net – (615) 973-5375

Sandra Chandlersandraleedesign@gmail.com – (714) 746-5074
Instagram sandraleedesign, website sandraleedesign.com
Sandra is a textile designer and educator with over 30 years of teaching experience, sharing her expertise. She is known for her innovative approach to quilting, repurposing denim, and wearable art. She teaches workshops with a maximum of 20 participants, creating an intimate, hands-on learning environment where students explore creativity through textiles. Her work has been featured in exhibitions, magazines, and on television, inspiring others to honor the art of fabric and design.

Judith Thompsonjudithwthompson@gmail.com – (615) 294-7221