If you are interested in becoming a member of TVQA, there are two ways to join:

1)    Through your local guild, who pays their dues through their treasurer

2)    Become a Member at Large (MAL).  You do not belong to a guild or a TVQA member guild, but want to participate in the Association activities, events, retreats, etc.  There are no meetings, and in place of officers, there is a MAL Liaison who keeps you in communication with the Association.

Whether a member through your guild or as an MAL, yearly membership is $20 beginning January 1, 2024, as a $5 increase was voted on in 2023.  

To join as a Member at Large online and receive instant membership, click here.  If you are not able to join online you may send in your information with a check to our treasurer:

Information to send:
Full name
City, State, Zip code
Telephone number
Email address (Please see the note below)

Address to send money to: 
Sheila Schmaedig
1550 Holton Rd
Gallatin, TN 37066

As a member in good standing, whether through a guild or as a Member at Large, you are entitled to attend TVQA functions, participate in TVQA activities, and receive any other benefits offered by the organization. TVQA also provides a quarterly newsletter.

NOTE: All members with internet access and email are encouraged to obtain the newsletter by downloading it directly from the TVQA website—instructions will be provided for those who wish to do so.  The newsletter is not physically mailed to the membership in order to save on postage and printing costs. It is emailed to the guild presidents and MAL liaison for distribution to their respective groups. Should you not be able to download the newsletter, please let your guild president or MAL Liaison know this.